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find one’s place
找到……的地位 找到要找的地方  detail>>
can find no hiding place
无处逃遁  detail>>
cannot find a place to stay
托足无门  detail>>
find a place on the map
在地图上寻找一个地点  detail>>
need to find a place
都需要找到一个地方  detail>>
to find myself a resting place
找到自己的归宿  detail>>
find jobs on one’s own
自谋职业  detail>>
find one’s way around
认识路  detail>>
if there be one, try and find it
世间的一切弊病, 有的可以救药,有的不可救药 无救药,就别放在心上。  detail>>
in places no one would find
没有人会找地方  detail>>
no one will find you
没人能找到你  detail>>
not find one’s tongue
无言以对  detail>>
one way to find out
这是知道真相的唯一方法  detail>>
that we will find one another
我们将互相找到  detail>>
can i find the place within
我能找到地方  detail>>
find a place i love the most
找到我最喜欢的地方  detail>>
find your own hiding place!
另找一个藏身处吧,别跟我挤在一块  detail>>
till we find our place
直到我们发现了  detail>>